Thursday, August 4, 2016

IHMN - Fantasy, an unoffical supplement to In Her Majesty's Name.

I have yet to play my newfound favorite game, In Her Majesty's Name by Craig Cartmell and Charles Murton from Osprey Wargames, but I have read enough of the rules to be nigh on an expert in them.  Enough so that I decided to write a supplement for it called IHMN - Fantasy.

To give you a quick rundown of In Her Majesty's Name, I will simply tell you that it is a very easy to learn Victoriana Sci-fi (or dare I say steampunk) miniature skirmish game.  You make an army (which is called a company) with up to 250 points worth of figures.  Each figure has unique capabilities and flavor.

The nicest part of the game is the rules are so easy to learn, I could teach you them in little under 10 or so minutes, and yet for all this simplicity there is also a richness and depth to what a company can be.

But the thing that sold me the most was the fact that there are rules in the book to create things not covered within it (i.e.: you can make virtually damn near anything you wish within the rules).  More so than this, the writers actually encourage you to take the rules, as long proper credit is given to them and you don't openly re-release their published material or release material for profit, to release your own addition to the rules, be they new and interesting companies, scenarios, complications, or whatever else you can think of.

So without any further ado, here is the link to my own contribute, which will also be available soon on under the In Her Majesty's Name thread as soon as my membership is approved.


My Spore Creations