Tuesday, February 17, 2009
One more Preview of Ray Gun and Shadow
To play Ray Gun and Shadow, you create a character. Playing a character is like playing a movie role. The character is free to do whatever they feel fits the scene of set by the Game Master. Complex task are done by rolling a number of 20 sided dice in an attempt to met or beat a set difficulty number ranging from 2 (effortlessly easy) to 200 (nigh impossible). The higher the difficulty number, the harder it is to complete the task. These tasks, called actions, include driving a vehicle, crafting an item, lying and determining lies from truth, acts of diplomacy and speech making, magic use, attacking enemies, and giving first aid. All other actions do not require rolling dice to perform.
There are four Traits which determine how powerful a character is at each character level: Body, Mind, Coordination, and Essence. Each Trait is determined by the allocation of Build Points. Each build point gives one dice to roll when performing actions related to that Trait. The maximum number of Build Points one can have for a Trait is ten.
Each character starts with 5 build points at first level.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter a character gains 1 build point.
There is an upward maximum of 40 levels one can gain. Gaining a level requires gaining experience. Experience is gained when a character defeats enemies of higher level than them, by defeating groups of enemies of equal or lower levels, and by completing non-combat actions that are required during a mission. To gain 2nd level, one needs 1,000 points of Experience. Each additional level requires double the number of the character's current Experience point level. For example, to get to 3rd level, a character would require 2,000 Experience, while to get to 4th level the character would require 4,000 Experience, and so on.
Work in Progress: Ray Gun and Shadow RPG
Here is a preview explaining the abilities.
Body: Represents the character's over all strength and health. It determines how many Hit Points (HP) they have and how many Hit Points are healed per day. How well a character can hit an opponent in melee and how much damage they do with a melee weapon is also determined by Body. In addition, Body determines how well a character can swim, carry loads, jump, and climb. Diseases, poison, and radiation effect Body, and the higher the Body score, the better the character is at resisting these effects. The character also use body to determine their Resiliency score, which is used to determine how well they are at taking damage from weapons, and is opposed by the weapons Strength.
Mind: Represents the character's native intelligence, force of personality, wisdom, and reasoning ability. It determines how much a character knows, how good they are at building items, ability to lie, how to determine when someone is lying, and how well they are at diplomacy and leadership. How much Requisition Points (RP) a character receives is determined by Mind. Mind also determines how well a character can drive land-based vehicles and to steer sea going vessels.
Coordination: Determines how well a character can balance themselves, their level of perception, ability to dodge both melee and ranged attacks, and how good they are at aiming at and hitting opponents at range. It is also used to determine how well a character can pilot aircraft and rocket ships.
- Essence: Determines the character's ability to wield the power of magic and how powerful a spell they can cast.
Keep an eye out, because it is about halfway done, and this will be the only place that will have this.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Meaning of Life Part 1: The Miracle of Birth
Congratulations in advance to Lisa and Joe, her husband.
P.S.: I hope to get a cigar outta this, cousin...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A few Warhammer 40k Datasheets
Included are the following Datasheets
- Necron Megalith
- Feral Ork Steam Gargant
- Mega Gargant
- And, exclusive to this blog, the Orkeosaurus
Your fiend,
Welcome, traveler...
Hello, and welcome to my blog. Here we will talk about all that interests me; games, sci-fi, horror, and the like.
Hope you enjoy this, a very quirky blog indeed.
Your fiend,